
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.


Ubqari Magazine - Feburary 2013

Special act (wazifa) given by the emperor of Jinns

“Rabbanaaaatina min ladunkarahmatanwahayyilanaa min amrinaarashada”
رَبَّنَا اٰتِنَا مِنْ لَّدُنْکَ رَحْمَۃً وَّہَیِّئْ لَنَا مِنْ اَمْرِنَا رَشَدًا

 Ask minister to recite verse 10 of Surah Kahf (p15). Method is before sleeping; offer 2 rakatsalatNafal, with the intentions of Need and Istkhara (2 rakatNafalHajataurIstkhara). After it, recite this verse 100 times with 7 times DarudIbrahimi at beginning and end, and read it continuously till you sleep, and keep thinking about the purpose of Istkhara.  In 1,3,5,7 or 11 days will get the answer from ALLAH in positive or negative in the form of dream, human form, thought or in the condition of imagination

And tell your minister that if he wants more complete solution of his difficulty then, take equal weighted millet (Baajra), rice and sugar and throw it daily in graveyard or at the bank of river in the burrows of ants and insects, he can go himself or appoint some trusted person through whom he can daily send the feed. I gave him SALAM and thanked him and returned. That guard took me to the same door and when I came out water merged again. 

Reality revealed on third night

I woke up. I was astonished that I was reciting the same verse of Surah Kahf. I got up instantly and requested the guard of the minister to knock his door. Guard took me to the room of the minister who was astonished to see me at that time of night. I narrated him the dream as it is. Minister relaxed. He said I will do it but you also do it for me. So, we both started act of Istkhara from next night. Third night reality was revealed to me and on eighth night minister also got the same order. I wrote and gave it to the minister and asked him strictly not to open it, when reality of Istkhara is revealed to you then please tell me. Eighth night minister was ordered to ask his King to make his elder son crown prince and choose 70 people from his subjects who are pious and extremely sincere and pay them for all their living costs. After giving, ask them to offer 100 Rakats daily & recite the last 6 surahs in each rakat (along with tasmia). If due to age or weakness someone can’t offer by standing he can offer while sitting. But offering in standing posture is preferable.

Most successful act of Istkhara:
His son will recover; king and every women of his adytum should also recite last 6 Surahs in every rakat. Continue it 123 days prince will recover and will be able to handle kingdom his mind, heart and body will become strong enough to handle kingdom on his own.  King was very happy he gave me expensive gifts I was happy too that king’s problem was solved and i was happier because I got most successful way of doing Istkhara.
The dead body of Makli’s grave yard whose name was Hashaam. He continued, I have told this Istkhara to thousands of people. How? I detailed the mufti of the time about my dream and incident. He became very happy and started telling people about it. Whoever did this, reality was revealed to him in dream by someone or his mind became clear. On waking up, the reality used to be clear in his heart.

Marriage problem of dead body’s daughter

Once there was a problem of my daughter’s marriage. As I was a very trust worthy companion of King’s minister. Most of the time King himself asked me matters and became pleased with my cogitations; things behind my intellectuality were that I used fragrance a lot, wore white dress, always remained in ablution and after every Salat I hold breath and read YA REHMANO  11 times. یَارَحْمٰنُ

Istkhara of ASHAB –E-KAHAF:

One important thing which is most important than this is that I always refrained consumption of doubtful and forbidden things. Whenever I got any doubtful thing I refrained from it and had my personal dry bread that’s why my every act (AMAL) was effective. I was famous and had wealth, respect, dignity and money so I started receiving proposals for my daughter from everywhere. I was confused which should I accept and which not? We both husband & wife were worried & kept discussing it for months. One day I thought that I tell everyone about Istkhara why not I should do it too. So I decided that I and my wife will do it too. I named it Istkhara of ASHAB-E-KAHAF.

I told my wife to do Istkhara of ASHAB-E-KAHAF. Within few days in dream I got clear indication that in XYZ village there is a mosque. There a young man is sleeping by covering himself with the mat as he don’t have any quilt or warm rug; marry your daughter with him. When I told this to my wife she said I also got the same instruction. I was astonished that I am so rich and got Istkhara of such a man… I was unable to believe it. I did Istkhara again and again and continuously got the same instruction. So I decided to go to him as it was ALLAH’S order. In fact I was afraid that if I dint did so, I will be punished.

Marriage of a beggar with a minister’s daughter

I intentionally went at night, and saw the young man sleeping covering himself with a mat. I woke him and asked his name. He told it was Malik. I asked what you do. He told that he gives services to mosque and eat dry breads which people give him. I asked do you have any heir.  He said my parents died in my childhood; relatives didn’t support me, and father was a poor farmer so I got out for learning. Dignity in his talks and he had light (NOOR) of piety and education on his face….. All these things inspired me a lot. I asked him are you unmarried? He said who will give me his daughter? I said if I do so…With light mindedness he said, it will happen if it is ALLAH’s will. I asked will you come with me. He said no I have to offer Fajar’sSalat. If you want, we can go after it. I said alright.

The last part of night passed while we were talking. After FajarSalat I brought him……When he saw my palace, he asked who you are. I said I am the courting to king’s minister. Asked, why you brought me? I said I want to marry my daughter with you. Asked, why you chose me? I told him about the act of Istkhara.

He started crying and said I was very worried about the problems of food and life. I am doing an act (amal) from continuous 40 nights and he told me the same act (amal) which I used to do in my difficulties i.e. to recite SuratIkhlas in every NafalSalat continuously for hours. I asked who told you about this act (amal). He said once a beggar came …… I was eating food….he said give me all this food….i gave him…..he became so happy, hugged me and kissed my forehead and told me this act (amal) and said I can see fortune on your forehead; my name is Khizar and I don’t need your food. ALLAH will give you far better food then this. Since that day I am continuously offering these Nafals and that night when you came, that was the 40th night. While I was talking to him, the King’s servant came and told me that king’s son has recovered. Today is his ceremony of recovery-bath. King has invited you. Instantly, I was astonished about the marvels of last six Surats; then I recited them in many illnesses. I found as many sincere people as I could but was unable to find 70 sincere people, so I asked them to recite and I recited myself too; it was really helpful.

At last I married my daughter with that young man…….. he was such a lucky guy that my home filled with the abundance of money, wealth, blessings, respect and dignity and king himself gave me the position of minister. I had so much respect and luxuries that I was astonished. I considered one thing that decisions are made by destiny; not by poverty.

Invitation from Jinaat of Lahore Fort:
Few days back, I received an invitation from the Jinnat of Lahore Fort, in which world’s most saint Jinaat, pious Jinnat, SahabiJinnat were invited. When I received their invitation, one thing that was specially written for me was that they wanted me to give a speech on “The Wall of Protection” I was surprised to see the topic of speech as to why would they need wall of protection….. They are very powerful; why are they asking about it again and again. I am saying this word “again and again” because after the 1st invitation, they sent more messages requesting my presence and time; We want to listen your conversation, in fact what they said was that  some AwliyaJinnat  are coming from very far away. They have never seen you; just heard of you. They are insisting that they want to listen to your speech.

Insistences of old cook Jinn:

I mentioned about the cook Jinn in my initial episodes with whom I met in a wedding ceremony.  That meeting was accidental. After it, our relation grew; friendship grew and we became more close to each other. In that message, there was insistence of cook Jinn that he is also coming and wants to meet as we haven’t met since past few months.

This sitting was from 23:15 - 4:15am. At right 23:15, a huge vulture-like ride of Jinaat came or should I call it eagle-like which had feathers all around; seats, roof and cabin in which four people could sit; all these were made of feathers. Vulture came and stopped I boarded on it; one of its door opened and closed. Fastest airplane or even rocket can’t even match the speed of this vulture-like ride. After few moments, it landed in Lahore Fort.

Sajda-Gah&Wilaayat of Hazrat Ali Hajveri R.A:

This time, ceremony was in the Moti Mosque of Lahore Fort. After going there, I felt that since I have revealed Moti mosque, not only humans even Jinaat also visit it a lot. Jinaat visitors are so many that even resident Jinaat of Lahore Fort are surprised that we have been populating it since centuries but since you have announced it, Jinnat from all over the world are coming here to pray and are offering Nafals. One Jinn narrated (who was gatekeeper of Jinnats of Lahore fort) that I met an old Jinn who was accompanied by his old wife and grand-children…It was a big family. They came here. While leaving Moti mosque they were crying. When they noticed me they became quiet and gave me a gift. I inquired about the reason of crying they said the place where we prostrated, earlier there was an old mosque in the place of Moti masjid. Hazrat Ali HajveriRehmatUllahAleh and 382 other Awliah of sub-continent prostrated at this place and who so ever prostrated here was blessed with wilaayat. Due to their prostration and cries, ALLAH has accepted that place. I possess knowledge that whatever thing it is, it speaks itself. When I prostrated, that place spoke that you are such a fortunate and blessed Jinn that you are prostrating at this place today. (To be continued….)

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